It's here. It's Christmas Eve. Ebay and Amazon did their thang. For once everything is all wrapped, no church solos to be worried about. Miss it and yet enjoying the just chilling part of life too.
Read a beautiful reading about how we hear this story year after year.
How God is rock solid, never changing, always changing, and we dance together, staring into this story.
I felt this beautiful feeling. I was holding a paperweight, with a star, with sparkles that I've held year after year, looking down into a manger. Looking down into a story that says, "God is greater than Caesar. God speaks quietly, in a manger, and the angels give a great back up chorus that we can never top."
I look down into my paperweight, imaginary, and feel a little girl looking into it. Years passing, a young, married woman trying to become a grown up, a young mother watching the snow fall around the star, onto that stable, wanting to take the magic out of her heart and hand it to two precious souls.
Every year, that paperweight is the same, but the hands change, the story unfolds into another chapter.
Abdu'l Baha once said, "If you want a palace in paradise, make your home a gathering place for friends."
This year, we have been so rich. We are so surrounded by Love.
This year, looking into the paperweight, this very happy, deeply in love with God woman, stares down and marvels at how you can give love away all you want, it will always come back ten fold.
Here's to magic and a country full of folk celebrating a birthday, and to taking time to let the stress slide away to feel the magic, the gift that that precious child brings to us every year. He changed the world with a baby's soft sigh, and the Angels sang Amen.
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